I have two word problems I just can't figure out


New member
Oct 9, 2006
I've always been bad with word problems, and was wondering if I could get some help with them.

Problem 1

A container is partially filled with 12 liters of whole milk containing 4% butterfat. How much 1% milk must be added to get a mixture that is 2% butterfat?

Problem 2
An 80-pound grass seed mixture is 30% bluegrass seed. How many pounds of seed containing no bluegrass seed (0%) should be added to the seed mixture for a resulting blend that is 20% bluegrass seed?
kaze950 said:
I've always been bad with word problems, and was wondering if I could get some help with them.

Problem 1

A container is partially filled with 12 liters of whole milk containing 4% butterfat. How much 1% milk must be added to get a mixture that is 2% butterfat?

Amount butterfat in 12 liters of 4%=.04(12)

Amount butterfat in x liters of 1%=.01(x)

Amount butterfat in 12+x liters of 2%=.02(12+x)

\(\displaystyle .04(12)+.01(x)=.02(12+x)\)

Solve for x.