Word Problem


New member
Nov 30, 2006
Help...my newphew asked for help with the following word problem.

A woman buys 5 shirts, 3 at regular price 2 at $3.00 below regular price, the total was $95.10. How much did each shirt cost?

I've tried setting it up as: 3X + 2(X-3)=95.10; 5X -2(3) = 95.10; and
3X - 6X = 95.10. I can't seem to come up with the answer on any of these. I used to be pretty good at algebra, but I can't figure out how to set it up. Help....please.....!!!!!


Ahhh...someone from Ontario!

You're close, Suzi; let r = regular price (you used X; I prefer r!):

3r + 2(r - 3) = 95.10
3r + 2r - 6 = 95.10
5r = 101.10
r = 101.10 / 5 = 20.22

3 * 20.22 = 60.66
2 * 17.22 = 34.44
60.66 + 34.44 = 95.10 : YAHOO!

Make mine short-sleeved, with a pocket please, for my pack of Player's mild :wink: