Find quadratic eqn w/ solns of -3, 1; w/ solns 2i, -2i


New member
Nov 1, 2006
This blows my mind! Does anyone else get confused from these problems or is it just me?

1) Find a quadratic equation with solutions of -3 and 1

2) Find a quadratic equation with solutions of 2i and -2i

What the heck! Where do I start!?!?!?!
If a and b are solutions then the equation is:
will7675 said:
2) Find a quadratic equation with solutions of 2i and -2i
From others of your posts, it appears that your class hasn't yet covered anything regarding quadratics. The previous tutor reply provides a hint on how to answer these exercises. But the hint requires that you know how to multiply quadratics (since you're almost certainly supposed to give your answer in "simplified" form). Has polynomial multiplication been covered yet, or do you need lessons on that topic, too?

Also, the exercise quoted above involves complex numbers. Has your class covered this topic yet, or do you need lessons on this, too?

Thank you.

LIke I said in another post, I am taking this class online. Everything is online, I print out lecture notes for each section, but they are'nt always very good at explaining steps and so forth!
After I do my quizzes, I fax them to the instructor. I have e-mailed him several times and he never replies! So i'm pretty stuck!
There are only two weeks left in the semester! YAY!
But the first 10 weeks or so, I understood most of the stuff from the lecture notes, but when I got to these quadratic equations and functions, I am totally lost!
Sorry if I sound stupid, I just don't get this stuff very well!

The following lists of links might help. (Each link below leads to Google search results. You can pick through those to find what you need.)

. . . . .Multiplying Polynomials

. . . . .Complex Numbers

. . . . .Finding Quadratics From Their Zeroes

Once you have studied some lessons and learned the basic terms and techniques, please attempt the exercises. If you get stuck or would like your answers checked, please reply showing all of your work and reasoning. Thank you.

I've seen SO many posts by students who tell us that their "online" classes aren't meeting their needs for individual assistance.

I wonder if classes offered online are really a good idea....a "real" teacher in a "real" classroom might be a better alternative for many students.