Applications of Maths. section


New member
Dec 6, 2006
Hi administrators,

Application of different Mathematical principles in real life is very significant & worthknowing.Students of maths. must be aware of real life applications of any new concept being taught.Will it not be good to add this sort of seperate section in this site where members might share their knowledge & infos. about real life applications of Mathematics?
Unfortunately, such a section potentially crosses all disciplines. The categories give tutors a clue how to proceed. Without that clue, the conversation would be far more difficult.

My views. I welcome others'.
"Application" is so open-ended, so broad in interpretation, as to be almost meaningless. And most actual (and interesting) direct applications involve math well beyond what is generally covered here. Such a category would be either trivial ("You can use algebra when you compute your gas mileage on a long trip!") or so obtuse as to be over the heads of 99.9% of the users (and a good portion of the tutors, too).

Just learn the math. Your employer(s) will tell you, when you need to know, how you need to use it on the job.
