Factoring Probs: 36k^3m+60k^2m^2+25km^3, etc


New member
Apr 14, 2007
Factor competely as possible. If unfactorable, indicate that the polynomial is prime

These problems are driving me crazy, if anyone can help it'd be appriciated :)

36k³m+60k²m²+25km³ Okay for this one, im lost, the m in front of the K^3 competely throws me off, if it wasn't there i could do it very easily


75a^4b - 108b³ Cant use difference of squares or cubes, can't even square root them, I don't even see anything that can really be done with this one, and it's really irritiating.

18m^7 - 42m^5 - 30m^2 For this one i got 3m(6m^6 - 14m^4 + 10m) and i may be wrong

These problems competely drive me nuts, im competely lost and would appriciate the help
Re: Factoring Problems

Hello, murat!

You've forgotten the simplest type of factoring: "comm factors".

Factor competely as possible.

\(\displaystyle 1)\;36k^3m\,+\,60k^2m^2\,+\,25km^3\)

Factor out \(\displaystyle km:\;\;km(36k^2\,+\,60km\,+\,25m^2)\)

. . . \(\displaystyle = \;km(6k\,+\,5m)(6k\,+\,5m)\)

\(\displaystyle 2)\;75a^4b\,-\,108b^3\)

Factor out \(\displaystyle 3b:\;\;3b(25a^4\,-\,36b^2)\) . . . difference of squares!

. . . \(\displaystyle = \;3b(5a^2\,-\,6n)(5a^2\,+\,6n)\)

\(\displaystyle 3(\;18m^7 - 42m^5 - 30m^2\)

Hey! . . . You took out a common in this problem.
How come you didn't try on the other two problems?

Always factor out as much as possible . . .

Take out \(\displaystyle 3m^2:\;\;3m^2(6m^5\,-\,14m^3\,-10)\)

murat said:
36k³m+60k²m²+25km³ Okay for this one, im lost, the m in front of the K^3 competely throws me off, if it wasn't there i could do it very easily
Would it throw you off if written this way: 36mk^3 ? (same thing)
Thanks guys, im getting a bit rusty on math lately for some reason, i was never good at factoring or division just my weak point. thanks all! :)