PLEASE HELP! Two numbers differ by six......


New member
Jan 11, 2006
Two numbers differ by six. If the numbers are squared and then added, the result is 146. What are the numbers?

I wrote;

x equals the first number

x+6 equals the second number

equations= x²+ (x+6)²= 146

I have been trying to solve it butkeep getting 7 and 13 which don't work. Through guess and check I got 5 and 11 which is right but I don't know how to show that. Any help would be very appreciated.
Maryanne said:
I have been trying to solve it but keep getting 7 and 13....
We'll be glad to help you find any errors in your work -- your set-up is fine --, but you'll need to post your work first.

Please be complete. Thank you.

x²+ (x+6)²= 146

x²+ x² + 36 = 146

2x² +36= 146

2x²= 110

x²= 55

square root:

x= 7.41.....

then I made that x and then added six to get 13.
Maryanne said:
x²+ (x+6)²= 146 Step 1

x²+ x² + 36 = 146 Step 2

Step 2 is incorrect. (x + 6)(x + 6) is not x^2 + 36. If this was a genuine, and not a silly mistake, review expanding.