Multiple Factors in finding the probability of a event

Chuck Norris

New member
Jun 13, 2007
Well, hello again ;)

This, I'm trying to work on, decided to look here first because not quite sure exactly what it's called but heres an example

The probability of drawing two hearts from a standard pack of cards is (3 over 51) [sorry still not sure how to type in math form]. What is the probability that the two cards will not be hearts.

Well, not quite sure what do here, i heard you need to multiply them by eachother but not quite sure.

I realise how to get the hearts, but I'm currently stuck on the 'how to get what isn't hearts'

Any help would be very helpful :D

If i figure it out before someone else does ill type it out to maybe help others
The probability of drawing 2 hearts would be (13/52)(12/51)=1/17

The probability of drawing 2 non-hearts would be (39/52)(38/51)=19/34
Hello, Chuck!

If you're familiar with "combinations", here's another approach.

The probability of drawing two hearts from a standard pack of cards is: \(\displaystyle \frac{3}{51} \,=\,\frac{1}{17}\)
What is the probability that the two cards will not be hearts?

There are: \(\displaystyle \:{52\choose2} \,=\,1326\) possible pairs of cards.

There are: \(\displaystyle \:{39\choose2} = 741\) ways to draw two non-hearts.

Therefore: \(\displaystyle \:p(\text{2 non-hearts}) \;=\;\frac{741}{1326} \;=\;\L\frac{19}{34}\)
