Simplify this

What is that supposed to be and what are you trying to do?. We're not mind-readers.

\(\displaystyle \L\\\frac{5-x}{x^{2}-25}\)?????.
cheerleader08 said:
5-x (over) x (squared) -25

Galactus has posed a great question. WHAT do you mean here, and what are you supposed to DO with this problem?

I'll assume that Galactus is correct, and you mean this:

(5 - x) / (x<SUP>2</SUP> - 25)

I'll make the further assumption that you want to SIMPLIFY this expression.

(If both us have made incorrect assumptions, you should not read any further.....)

ASSUMING we have correctly interpreted your problem, I'd start by factoring the denominator of the that we can decide if there are any common factors which can be divided out

Factoring gives us this:

(5 - x) / (x - 5)(x + 5)

Note that (5 - x) is the same thing as -1(x - 5)

Now we have

-1(x - 5)
(x - 5)(x + 5)

can you finish?