factor completely x^2+6xy+9y^2-16


New member
Jun 7, 2008
I need help factoring x^2+6xy+9y^2-16 completley. it says to group and factor but i dont know how. please help

Group the first three terms together. Do they form a perfect square? Is 16 a perfect square? Do you know how to factor the difference of two perfect squares?
(x[sup:2gj19cz2]2[/sup:2gj19cz2] + 6xy + 9y[sup:2gj19cz2]2[/sup:2gj19cz2]) - 16 =

(x + 3y)[sup:2gj19cz2]2[/sup:2gj19cz2] - 4[sup:2gj19cz2]2[/sup:2gj19cz2]

now factor the difference of the two square terms.
mizkiki55 said:
it says to group and factor but i dont know how.
Loren said:
Do you know how to factor the difference of two perfect squares?
mizkiki55 said:
From what you've posted, it appears you missed the chapter in the book (and / or the month in class...?) on factoring. To get caught up (so you can understand the various hints and solutions with which you've been provided), you'll need to learn that material. :shock:

Fortunately, there are loads of great lessons available online! :wink:

. . . . .Google results for "simple factor parentheses"

. . . . .Google results for "factor quadratics"

. . . . .Google results for "factor trinomials"

. . . . .Google results for "special factoring formulas"

. . . . .Google results for "factoring by grouping"

This topic is not exactly "hard", but you do need to have this background information to understand what you've been given here, and to complete the rest of your assignments and your upcoming tests. So give yourself a few hours, and make sure you study enough lessons (at least two from each link) and work through enough of the lessons' examples that you are sure you're "getting" it. :idea:

Then dig in, and have fun! :D

mizkiki55 said:
so would the answer be (x+3y-4)(x+3y+4)
To find out, multiply your factors back together. :idea:

                    x +  3y +  4
                    x +  3y -  4
           -4x        - 12y - 16
      3xy      + 9y^2 + 12y
x^2 + 3xy + 4x
x^2 + 6xy      + 9y^2       - 16
So your factorization "checks". Yay! :D
