find pattern for (8 1/2, 2 1/2), (2, -4), (8, 2), (-9, ??)


New member
Aug 20, 2008
Please will someone please help me with these number patterns. I am going to college to be a nurse and math has not always been the best subject for me. IMyassignment is due in 3 hours and I have 4 questions left. Any help is appreciated.


(8 1/2, 2 1/2), (2, -4), (8,2), (0, -6), (-9, ______)futurenurse3
New Member

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Re: can someone help me please

Did you plot the points on a rectangular coordinate system? Maybe all the points lie on a straight line. If so, the slope of the line will determine the y coordinate of that last point.

Well I guess I need to ask the question somehere else, since everyone can view the ?, but no one can offer any advice... Thanks anyways

I virtually gave the key to solve your problem. I guess you could have waited until you only had 45 minutes before due, then you could really get upset with us.

(8 1/2, 2 1/2), (2, -4), (8,2), (0, -6), (-9, ______)

The slope of the line between (2,-4) and (8,2) is \(\displaystyle \frac{8-2}{2-(-4)}= \frac{6}{6}=1\)
If the slope is the same between (0,-6) and (-9,y) then \(\displaystyle \frac{y-(-6)}{-9-0}=1\)
Solve for y and that's your answer.

y+6 = -9
y = -15

Next time, please give us a little more time. Most of us are not on the computer waiting for someone to pose a problem.
futurenurse3 said:
Well I guess I need to ask the question somehere else, since everyone can view the ?, but no one can offer any advice... Thanks anyways
As you learned when you read the "Read Before Posting" thread before you posted the above:

The Admin said:
Have patience. There is no paid staff waiting on-hand to give instant replies. Many of the volunteer tutors have "real" jobs, and they all have to sleep from time to time. The people "viewing" your posts may be fellow students. Please don't be offended if there are "views" but no replies. It may take hours, even days, for a tutor, qualified in your topic's area, to respond.
Since you apparently need on-demand replies (and don't want anyone, such as other students, "viewing" your questions without providing "advice"), obviously a free (and free-access) online forum "staffed" by volunteers will not suit your needs. So, to obtain the instant answers you require, please contract with a fee-based service which offers such.

Our best wishes to you in your studies.

Re: can someone help me please

You're too impatient, fnurse; with my fear of needles, you sure ain't taking a blood sample from me!!