algebra: how to work out 4n - 7 = 2n + 9

Re: algebra

What is to be done?

Is it harder than 4n - 7 = 9? If so, why?
Re: algebra

I'm studying for my GED and I have been out of school for a while and I could really us the help.I'm stuck on this problem,
could you help me out please.
Re: algebra

How do you suggest starting? I would move the variables to one side and the constants to the other. Hint: variables have letters, constants are just numbers.
Re: algebra

tlwsmooth101 said:
I could really us the help. I'm stuck on this problem, could you help me out please.
The plan is this, simply answer my questions. It's what help is. You talk. We talk. We scope out exactly what the problem is. You show your work. We help you along when you wander off.

#1 - There should be a problem statement. An equation, with no instruction, is not helpful. There must have been some instruction, "Solve" maybe?

Just answer the questions.