Posting Problem: Cash sales for first half of the month (38,


New member
Aug 31, 2008
My question is :Cash sales for first half of the month (38,200) 59220
I post as 38200 to cost of goods sold and 59220 to my cash account debit and sales credit. How would you post it?
Re: Posting Problem

While the previous response was not particularly helpful, I found it a reasonable reply to a vague and incomprehensible question.

1) You have used notation that, to my knowledge, is not in general usage.
2) You did not define at all, let alone clearly, the meaning of the terms you are using.

Give it another go and give the entire question and provide as much context as can be mustered.
Re: Posting Problem

TAmmy said:
My question is :Cash sales for first half of the month (38,200) 59220
I post as 38200 to cost of goods sold and 59220 to my cash account debit and sales credit. How would you post it?

Ahhh geeee...looks like my well-intentionned humor was not appreciated... :oops:

Is your question REALLY this:
Cash sales for first half of the month = 59220; the cost of goods sold = 38200
I post 59220 as a debit to "cash account" and a credit to "sales".
How would I post the cost of goods sold amount?