coins worth $2.50; 3X dimes as nickels, 2 fewers pennies tha


New member
Nov 12, 2008
A parking meter contains pennies, nickels and dimes worth $2.50. There 2 fewer pennies than nickels, and 3 times as many dimes as nickels. How many of each type of coin are there?

Hello Conan An:

Please give us a clue as to what you already know about these types of exercises. Show any work and reasoning that you've been able to accomplish, so far.

If you already understand what the exercise is asking, then are you able to say something about why you're stuck?

(Also, please read the post titled, "Read Before Posting", if you have not already done so. It outlines your responsibilities for seeking help at this site.)

The exercise that you posted can be solved in a variety of ways. Do you know how to do algebra?

The information about the number of pennies and the number of dimes is given in terms of the number of nickels. If you choose a symbol to represent the number of nickels, then you can use that symbol to write expressions for both the number of pennies and the number of dimes.

Use the relationship between the total value of the the combined coins and the value and number of each type of coin to write an equation. Use algebra to solve the equation.

Once you know the number of nickels, everything else follows from that.


~ Mark :)


A parking meter contains pennies, nickels and dimes worth $2.50. There 2 fewer pennies than nickels, and 3 times as many dimes as nickels. How many of each type of coin are there?

When you start naming things to get started, be sure to differentiate between the number of coins and the value of the coins. For instance if you get started by saying...

Let n be the number of nickels...
Then you can determine that .05 represents the value of one nickel in dollars so that .05n represents the value of n nickels in dollars. If you want to work in cents, then 5n represents the value of the nickels.

It tells you that the total value of all the coins is 250 cents which allows you to build one equation. Then, you can use the other information to build other equations involving the number of coins, etc.