2 juniors, 4 seniors to be chosen from 6 juniors, 8 seniors


New member
Jun 3, 2009
From a group of 6 juniors and 8 seniors on the student council, 2 juniors and 4 seniors will be chosen to make up a 6-person committee. HOw many different 6-person committees are possible?

I do not understand probability/combinations. Please help!
Re: I do not understand probability/combinations. Please help!

From a group of 6 juniors and 8 seniors on the student council, 2 juniors and 4 seniors will be chosen to make up a 6-person committee. HOw many different 6-person committees are possible?

First tell us how many different 6-person committees can you choose from 14 people?

Then tell us how many different 2-person committees can you choose from 6 juniors?

Then tell us how many different 4-person committees can you choose from 8 seniors?

Please show us your work, indicating exactly where you are stuck - so that we know where to begin to help you.