Isolating the variable in these equations


New member
Nov 4, 2009
So, I did my whole homework assignment, but I'm still stuck on two problems. I have been trying them forever and could really use some help. I know that the answers to these problems, because the answers made a word at the end that I have already figured out. Here are the problems:

1st Problem:

4 - (6x + 6) = - (-2x + 10)

4 - (6x+6) = 2x - 10

6x + 6 = 2x - 14

6x = 2x - 20

4x = -20

x = -5 (which is wrong)

I know the answer is 1, but I've done it many times and I cannot get it.

Problem #2 (the dots are to just hold the numbers in place above and below the fraction)

.......21 + (c - 9)
c + ----------------- = 6 + c

c + 21 + (c - 9) = 24 + 4c

c - 9 = 3 + 3c

-2c = 12

c = -6

I know the answer is 12, but I've done it many times and I cannot get it.


Thank you,
skyler386 said:
So, I did my whole homework assignment, but I'm still stuck on two problems. I have been trying them forever and could really use some help. I know that the answers to these problems, because the answers made a word at the end that I have already figured out. Here are the problems:

1st Problem:

4 - (6x + 6) = - (-2x + 10)

4 - (6x+6) = 2x - 10

-(6x + 6) = 2x - 14 <<<<< Here is the problem
- 6x - 6 = 2x - 14

8 = 8x

x = 1

6x = 2x - 20

4x = -20

x = -5 (which is wrong)

I know the answer is 1, but I've done it many times and I cannot get it.

Problem #2 (the dots are to just hold the numbers in place above and below the fraction)

.......21 + (c - 9)
c + ----------------- = 6 + c

4c + 21 + (c - 9) = 24 + 4c <<<< Here ...

c - 9 = 3 + 3c

-2c = 12

c = -6

I know the answer is 12, but I've done it many times and I cannot get it.


Thank you,