Algebra 1 help with probability


New member
Nov 4, 2009
The list shows last season's 3-point shot statistics for your school's star basketball player.

3-point shots attempted: 12 shots at 0-7point difference at the end of the game.7 shots at 8-14 point difference at the end of the game. 3 shots at > or equal to 15 point difference at the end of the game.

3-point shots made: 8 shots at 0-7 point difference. 3 shots at 8-14 point difference. 1 shot at > or equal to 15 point difference at the end of the game.

a. During his last season, what was the probability that your school's star basketball player would make an attempteted 3-point shot, regardless of the point difference? Write your answer in fraction form.

b. Find the probabilities that the star player made an attempted 3-point shot when the point difference at the end of the game was 0-7 points, 8-14 points, and at least 15 points. Write your answer in fraction form.

c. During what kind of games is the star player most likely to make attempted 3-point shots. Justify your conclusion
First of all, I assume that when you say "at the end of the game," you mean that "n" number of shots were made in games in which the difference of final scores between the winning and losing teams was in the given interval.

Basic probability is the number of favorable outcomes divided by the number of total outcomes. Of course "favorable" is arbitrary, or however you would like to define favorable. In this case for part a, "favorable" means making a three point shot, as opposed to missing a three point shot.

So, favorable divided by total is
which equals (12/22), which you might wish to express as (6/11).