Bow and Whisker Plots


New member
Nov 30, 2009
I understand almost everything about box and whisker plots except outliers, could some help? Also I don't know where this subject belongs, so I'm sorry if this was posted in the wrong section.
Did you look up the definition of "outliers"? Try googling it. Pay no attention to the book "Outliers". Just pay attention to "outliers" as associated with statistics. I know of no special way of treating outliers in box and whiskers plots. An outlier would be at the end of one of the whiskers.
Cade said:
I understand almost everything about box and whisker plots except outliers, could some help? Also I don't know where this subject belongs, so I'm sorry if this was posted in the wrong section.

If you understand box and whisker plots, you know that the "box" goes from the first quartile to the third quartile. The "interquartile range" is

IQR = third quartile - first quartile

The generally accepted definition for an outlier is any value which is MORE than 1.5 times the IQR above the third quartile, or below the first quartile.