Hypothesis Testing Procedure Help!!!!


New member
Oct 24, 2010
Bentley Foods, Inc., a large manufacturer of frozen foods, has developed a new line of frozen pizza. Management has agreed to begin producing and marketing the new line if at least 15% of the population would prefer the pizza over other frozen pizzas currently available. To determine preferences, a sample of 1,000 consumers was obtained; 172 indicated that they would prefer the new product over existing brands.

a. State the null and alternative hypothesis.
Ho : p £ .15
Ha : p > .15

b. Compute the standard error of the proportion.
c. Calculate the z-statistic. What is the probability of obtaining this value of the z-statistic if the null hypothesis is true?
d. The research manager for Bentley Foods is comfortable using the .05 significance level. Should the null hypothesis be rejected?
e. At this significance level, what is the critical sample proportion?
I'm not sure what the "pound" symbol is doing in there. Is it "=" or "<""?

If this is a problem about the "procedure", you seem to have done a good job.

If this is a problem about actually performing the procedure, you have not shown much work. Please calculate the Standard Error requested. It is a simpe formula that should be in your text.

Do that much and we can talk.
Sorry suppose to be greater than on question a. I was using word and copied it over and the symbol changed.

For question b this is what i have
[squareroot] 0.0001275
answer 0.0113

For question c this is what i have
p= 172/1000 = 0.172
Z= 0.172-.15/0.0113
Z= 0.022/0.0113

That is all I have right now. I am following my textbook but my teacher gives different equations and she has not answers any of my responses for help.
Why are you using 15%? Justify this choice. Isn't this just the arbitrary whim of the advertising guys? What has it to do with the population?