The Hrunkla Village


New member
Oct 19, 2010
Captain Spydyk stepped out of his space ship, the Star Quest, on the surface of the alien planet, Hundreds of small creatures resembling furry snakes surrounded his force field while his language-translating computer listened to the strange whistles coming from them. Within about ten minutes, the creatures had arranged themselves into a large rectangle, 24 rows deep with 25 of the creatures in each row, and they were speaking in unison. At this point, the computer was able to translate the key features of whta was being said. It seemed that the Star Quest had landed on several of the homes of this village, completely ruining them. All of the creatures of the village made up the rectangle which was talking to the space ship. Most of the creatures were Hrunkla and were arranged in 35 living groups with 17 Hrunkla to a group. The remaining creatures were the Manika (high rulers), each of whom lived alone. All of the Hrunkla homes were safe, but each of the Manika needed another home built. It would not take long, but the Star Quest would have to move. How many homes were needed for all of the Mankia in this village? (24x25= 600) (35x17=595) 5 homes are needed!