

New member
Nov 18, 2010
I need help in solving the following word problem:

a snowball is thrown into the air 15 meters per second from a 45 meter tall ledge. When will the snowball hit the ground?

I think the formula is -5^2 + 15t + 45 = 0

What are the steps I need to take to find the answer. Could you please walk me through the steps and then i can do the other problems on my own.

1) Where is the t^2?

2) "-5"? You probably should have somethign to do with acceleration due to gravity in there. Maybe -9.8 m / s^2

3) Think about your geometry. The ground is 0 metres. If you solve this equation, equated to zero, you should get two values. Guess what you should do with the negative one?
Sadly, you did not show any of your work and we are left to guess that you didn't believe me on that "gravity" thing.

Really, where did you get the '5'?