Word Age Problem NEED HELP


New member
Mar 30, 2011
Mr. Lin is four times as old as his daughter. The sum of their ages is twelve years less than twice the difference of their ages. How old is Mr. Lin?

Can someone please explain how to do this problem a.s.a.p? Thanks :)
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Name Thnigs!!!!

M = Mr. Lin's Age
D = Daughter's Age

Now translate.

"Mr. Lin is four times as old as his daughter"

M = 4*D

"The sum of their ages is twelve years less than twice the difference of their age"

Sum of their ages: M+D
Difference of their Ages: M-D
Twice the Difference fo their Ages: 2(M-D)
12 less than Twice the Difference fo their Ages: 2(M-D)-12

M + D = 2*(M-D) - 12

We have assumed M > D, which is reasonable for a Father-Daughter relationship.

This translation was brought to you by "Writing Down Clear Defintiions".