Significance Test for Population Mean


Junior Member
Mar 9, 2008
I am having a hard time trying to figure how you get your P-value for this problem. If someone could fully explain how you determine the P-value, it would be greatly helpful as I can't finish the rest of the problem without it.

The mean political beliefs ( on a 1 to 7 point scale) were measured to the moderate value of 4.0, using GSS data. Test whether the population mean equals 4.00 for females, for whom the sample mean was 4.02 and standard deviation was 1.40 for a sample size of 1504. Carry out the five steps of the a significance test, reporting and interpreting the P-value in context.

What I have done so far:

1) We assume the data was gained through randomization and that the population distribution is normal.
2) H0: p = 4.00
HA: p does not equal 4.00

3) t = 4.02 - 4.00/se (1.40/sq. rt. 1504) = .554

4) Determining the P-value. How would I do this with .554 as my t statisic? I know that my df = 1503 but am not sure what table to use to determine the P-value. Thank you!
In your case, use the normal approximation. Find the probability that a standard normal is greater than .554 or less than -.554. That's the P-value.