Factoring help


New member
Apr 12, 2011
Hello, my name is Anne and I am stuck on a Factoring Problem.
9x sqaured+36x=0

What I did:
9x sqaured+36x=0
x= -4

Thank you so much if you can help,
iforgotmypassword said:
Hello, my name is Anne and I am stuck on a Factoring Problem.
9x sqaured+36x=0

What I did:
9x sqaured+36x=0
9x=0 ? x = 0
x= -4

Thank you so much if you can help,

As far as I can interpret, you solved the problem correctly.

However, you never did say what you were asked to do.
I NEED HELP WITH FIND solving equation like

what is equivalent to the expression
X(exponent 2)+3x-28
shaniquerose said:
X(exponent 2)+3x-28

Use the caret symbol (^) to show exponents, and do not interchange the symbols X and x (use one or the other, not both).

In the future, use the [NEWTOPIC] button to start your own thread for each new exercise. Please do not post new questions at the end of somebody else's thread.

x^2 + 3x - 28

This polynomial factors to the form (x + ?)(x + ?)

You need to find the two numbers that replace those questions marks.

These two numbers will multiply to make -28 but add to make 3.

Can you find these two numbers?

(HINT #1: One of these numbers is positive and the other is negative because they multiply to make a negative.)

(HINT #2: Use your multiplication table to think about the factors of 28.)

Please show any work, if you would like more help. 8-)
