A simple calculation about variance and bias problem


New member
Jan 28, 2012
Hi, The question related to the the expectation. The topic related to data mining, but problem is about statistic calculating.

The article link is from http://www.inf.ed.ac.uk/teaching ... e4/BiasVariance.pdf
My problem is about i am trying to caculate the bias and variance to get the answer using following examples

Assume that, the training set , x={1,2,3} with t={7,8,9} ,Assume that f(x) is the function to approximate t value for data x. let assume that my function f(x)=y={5,6,7} after predicting data x

According to the formular from article, MSE = [(7-5)2+ (8-6)2 + (9-7)2] /3 =4

[FONT=Tahoma, Helvetica, SimSun, sans-serif]Next it is required to calculate E(MSE]. From the article link, they infer that E(MSE) = bias + variance[/FONT]
E{(fi -yi)2} = E{(fi-E(yi)2} + E{(E{yi) - yi)2} = bias + variance

Thus, for my example
E(yi) (5+6+7)/3= 6;
(fi-E(yi)2 => (7-6)2+(8-6)2+(9-6)2 = 1+4+9=14; So, E(fi-E(yi)2) = 14/3;
(E{yi) - yi)2 => (6-5)2+(6-6)2+(7-6)2 = 1+0+1=2;So, E(E(yi)-yi)2) = 2/3;

[FONT=Tahoma, Helvetica, SimSun, sans-serif]But, E(MSE)= 4/3 not equal 14/3+2/3, I think the Expectation step is wrong. Plz help me to correct it. Thank you very much[/FONT]