counting principle problems


New member
Nov 25, 2011
hello guys, I need help with the following exercises:
  1. in a volleybal team, there are 12 members, one coach, and 2 managers. In how many ways can 7 kneel for a team picture?
  2. Julia can choose one of 3 buses or take one of 2 trains and then walk using one of the 4 routes to her work. In how many ways can she get to work?
  3. In California, license plates must follow this pattern: one digit, three letters, and three digits. (ex. 1ABC345). Find the total number of license plates if: the first digit cannot be zero and the three letters cannot form the word "GOD"
  4. A locker has a 5-digit combination. Find the total number of combinations if: the first digit cannot be zero and there cannot be 5 consecutive 5s.
thanks in advance guys :)
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ok, this is what I did so far:

1) 15 C 7 = 6435 ways

2) 3 + 2*4 = 11 ways

3) 9 * 26 * 25 *24 * 10 * 10 *10 = 140400000

4) 4*5*5*5*5 = 2500 combinations

I just want to know If I did it right or wrong
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which is equal to 9*10*10*10*10*9. I not sure if this is correct but that's how I interpret the question.
Actually the correct answer is \(\displaystyle 9\cdot10^4-1.\)
Can you see why? Hint \(\displaystyle 55545\) is a valid combination.
Problem #2 is a combination formula:
one bus at random from a group of three buses in any order is 3!/(3-1)!1!=3
one train at random from a group of two trains in any order is 2!/(2-1)!1!=2
one route at random from a group of four routes in any order is 4!/(4-1)!1!=4
3*2*4=24=the many ways she can get to work.

Problem # 3 is a permutation formula:
The first digit can be any one of nine digits and the remaining three can be chosen which is
You want the number of ways of not choosing three letters from the full alphabet(26) because you don't want to arrange the letters into the word, 'GOD' which is 26P3=26!/(26-3)!.
So, 9*(10!/(10-3)!)*(26!/(26-3)!)=total # of license plates.
These are not correct. Did you read reply #4?
You did not read question #2 correctly. Pay attention to the or and the then.