
New member
Feb 17, 2012
Let the germination probability (the probability that a seed sprouts) for seed A be Pa and B be Pb.

a) You plant two seeds of the same kind. If you turn heads or tails of what sort you plantet, what is the probability that 2 seeds germinate?
b) A student plant 2 seeds, but he had forgotten to note what sort of seed he had planted. What is the probability that it was A if both germinate?

Let the germination probability (the probability that a seed sprouts) for seed A be Pa and B be Pb.
a) You plant two seeds of the same kind. If you turn heads or tails of what sort you plantet, what is the probability that 2 seeds germinate?
b) A student plant 2 seeds, but he had forgotten to note what sort of seed he had planted. What is the probability that it was A if both germinate?
I'm guessing as to what that really means.

a) \(\displaystyle \left[(P_a)^2+(P_b)^2\right](0.5)\) is the probability that both seeds will germinate if two of the same are planted.

b) Apply the conditional probability formula.
I'm guessing as to what that really means.

a) \(\displaystyle \left[(P_a)^2+(P_b)^2\right](0.5)\) is the probability that both seeds will germinate if two of the same are planted.

b) Apply the conditional probability formula.

I am having problems with b). I find that the probability for both seeds to germinate: P = Pa^2 + 2PaPb + Pb^2 that i will use in the conditional probability formula. The problem is that the text say that i should find probability if i let Pa = 0.9 and Pb = 0.2, which gives that the total probability for both seeds to germinate will be larger than 1.
I am having problems with b). I find that the probability for both seeds to germinate: P = Pa^2 + 2PaPb + Pb^2 that i will use in the conditional probability formula. The problem is that the text say that i should find probability if i let Pa = 0.9 and Pb = 0.2, which gives that the total probability for both seeds to germinate will be larger than 1.
Given the above, I have no idea that the "H***" is going on.
From the OP, I assumed that someone planted two seed of the same type determined by a coin toss.
If that is correct, then how can there be a planting of two different types of seeds?
On the other hand, I the question mean that two seeds of the same type are planted then your view is mistaken.