Deriving numbers


New member
Oct 11, 2012
I want to derive numbers from characters mentioned below.
Characters are : crvcrcrx
Where c=8
There is a series in between for example 85985857. The series is 595857. From this the value of "v" would be derived as 9 and "x" would be 7. The value of "r" would be any number between 1 to 9. Please help me derive the exact value of "r".

Thank you,
You wrote that the (example) series 595857 is "in between". It is in between what, exactly? :?
The series is in between 8_ _8_ _ _ _

You are not correctly using the English phrase "in between".

Use the phrase "appears within", instead.

The series 595857 appears within the example 85985857.

In between means 8 _ _ _ _ _ _ 7.

It seems to me that one would need to be given the series first.

Please wait for somebody else to assist you. I cannot determine what this exercise means or what you're trying to accomplish. :?