What kind of T-test should I use


New member
Jul 24, 2013

I have 3 algorithms (A,B,C) which predict "author name" of each text article. I have tested all the algorithms on 3 different corpora (X,Y,Z) (different number of articles from 3 newspapers). I have got the following result.

The result provides the number of "Correct" and "Incorrect" answers and the "Accuracy" (correct_answer/total) for each Algorithm on each Corpus:

Algorithm A =>    Corpus X: 80%,    Corpus Y: 93%,    Corpus Z: 94%
Algorithm B =>    Corpus X: 78%,    Corpus Y: 90%,    Corpus Z: 89%
Algorithm C =>    Corpus X: 90%,    Corpus Y: 83%,    Corpus Z: 97%

I have to compare the results by T-test and Sign-test in order to define which one is the best algorithm. But I do not know which kind of T-test I have to use (Independent, two-tailed, paired, ...).

Also I have heard that I have to use One-way ANOVA instead of T-test.

As I am not familiar with statistics, I will be glad if anyone could make it clear.

I appreciate your help.