Finding accurate DPS help


New member
Jul 25, 2013
I am trying to figure out the DPS for a weapon system in a game called Mech Warrior Online. On a double shot (firing 2 bullets at one time) there is a 25% chance to jam the weapon. The jam time is 5 seconds. The rate of fire is 1.1 seconds. I would like to know the DPS of firing double shots for 1, 2, and 3 UAC5s at the same time factoring in the chance to jam. The jam only effects 1 weapon at a time and they all have an equal chance to jam. Since the jam effect can happen on any shot, we will need to calculate it for 1-10 continuous double shot firing. For example, 1 shot with 1 cannon has a 25% chance to jam etc. I was a math minor many moons ago, but have forgotten much of my stat class. Could someone help me figure this out? Perhaps a table in excel?
So I came up with this.. does this look like it will work? Does anyone have any ideas?
The UAC5 has a 25% chance to jam and a 5 second jam wait period. So at a 75% chance to succeed we can figure out the odds that we have sequential successful shots (meaning we don't jam on the previous shots).

P(X=1) = 75%
P(X=2) = 56.25%
P(X=3) = 42.19%
P(X=4) = 31.64%
P(X=5) = 23.73%
P(X=6) = 17.79%
P(X=7) = 13.34%
P(X=8) = 10.01%
P(X=9) = 7.5%
P(X=10) = 5.63%

If you want the chance to jam simply do 1-.75 = .25 for 1 shot etc.

You math guys can help me on this next part. I think to find the DPS you would have to factor in how many UAC5s are being fired simultaneously and then factor in the chance to jam by the 5 second wait interval.. We could arbitrarily decide on 3 consecutive shots as the constant and go with 42% success and 36% failure rate. We could then estimate the offensive capabilities of that weapon system based on our assumption that most pilots go 3 double shots before jamming. Then we come out with the DPS for having 1, 2, and 3 UAC5s.

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