Fractional Exponent Help


New member
Aug 12, 2013
Hi I'm currently on the fractional exponent part of my math work. My last questions are (64n^9)^2/3 and (5b^2 c^1/4)^3 Could someone please walk me through the steps to solve these questions? It would be greatly appreciated.
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ermandfa said:
Hi I'm currently on the fractional exponent part of my math work. My last questions are (64n^9)^2/3 and (5b^2 c^1/4)^3

Could someone please walk me through the steps to solve these questions? It would be greatly appreciated.

You are missing needed grouping symbols. You can correct that with these:

(64n^9)^(2/3) \(\displaystyle \ \ and \ \ \) (5b^2*c^(1/4))^3 \(\displaystyle \ \ or\)

\(\displaystyle (64n^9)^{\frac{2}{3}} \ \ \ and \ \ \ (5b^2c^{\frac{1}{4}})^3 \)

You can rewrite these as:

\(\displaystyle (64)^{\frac{2}{3}}(n^9)^{\frac{2}{3}} \ \ \ and \ \ \ (5)^3(b^2)^3(c^{\frac{1}{4}})^3\)

If you understand up to that step, then please try to continue and show your work here.

If you don't understand that, then someone else may give you their suggestions and/or refer you to another help site.
You can write:

64 = 26

and then use

[am]n = a(m*n)