Which layman's program should I buy (or acquire free) for correlation probability?


New member
Jan 13, 2014
Here are the parameters in which I have interest:

Primary correlatives: 4x6 (24 total primary categories)

Secondary correlatives: 2

Tertiary correlatives: 4 and 8, respectively. Each tertiary correlative may be positive, neutral, or negative. (not sure if this constitutes a quaternary correlative).

My interest is in the probability of correlations between all secondary and tertiary (as well as combined) with the primaries. Because the likelihood of any correlation of >50% is not terribly high, I simply want to identify the various ranges as percentages.

For now, I have only about 120 primary possibilities, but would like to be able to include several thousand more.

I have used Excel, but am far from expert with it. I'd rather have something else in which that I can just plug in numbers.