Applying proportional relationships between datasets


New member
Mar 2, 2014
Hi All!

I have what I believe is probably a very simple question, but for some reason I can't seem to wrap my head around it! PLEASE SEE ATTACHMENT

So basically what you can see in Column A is a group of numbers, some smaller, and some larger than others etc. These numbers have been painstakingly calculated and take into account a load of different variables.

What I am interested in is the proportional relationship between these numbers in column A, because I have another set of numbers (Column B) which needs to account for the exact same variables which were used to calculate the data in column A but the numbers in column B haven't yet been subjected to these variables.

Essentially to save me going through the same painstaking process used for column A, I want to apply the proportional relationship between the numbers in column A, to the numbers in column B thereby accounting for the variables which were taken into consideration for column A.

How do I apply the proportional relationship between the numbers in Column A to the numbers in Column B. Is it simply a case of finding the mean from column A, calculating the deviation from the mean for each house in column A (ex. 1.15 or 0.98 or 1.03) and then multiplying the numbers in column B with the corresponding deviations? This seems a little too easy?

If you are still with me, great! If not, please drop me a message and I will seek to clarify things. Thank you so much!


  • Applying proportional relationships between datasets.txt
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