password combinations


New member
May 23, 2014
If an 8-character password is made of lowercase characters and/or numbers, how many password combinations can we have (we can have repeats):

Answer : (26+10)^8. Is this correct?

If I knew the last 6 characters/numbers of someone's password and I had to guess the first 2 characters/numbers, how many tries would I need?
Last edited:
If an 8-character password is made of lowercase characters and/or numbers, how many password combinations can we have (we can have repeats):

Answer : (26+10)^8. Is this correct? YES.

If I knew the last 6 characters/numbers of someone's password and I had to guess the first 2 characters/numbers, how many tries would I need? \(\displaystyle ~~\color{blue}{36^2}\)