

New member
Apr 19, 2013
Hi, can anyone help me please in this problem for my project
if we select 3 candidate users from many users say n users.
One particular user from candidates is picked up based on probability to do a certain job.

The selection of that particular user is based on:
1- data rate (0 to 9). lower than 5 gives high probability and higher than 5 gives lower probability.
2- speed (0 to 30). lower than 3 gives high probability and higher than 3 gives lower probability.
3- signal (-35 to -120). lower than -90 gives low probability and higher than -90 gives high probability.

Points 1 to 3 can be replaced by setting a threshold instead of range as:
1- Data rate: if data rate is below the threshold, probability is high. If data rate is above the threshold, probability is low.
2- Speed: if speed is below the threshold, probability is high. If speed is above the threshold, probability is low.
3- Signal: if signal is above the threshold, probability is high. If signal is below the threshold, probability is low.

Hint: give an initial probability value to each candidate user = 0.5 or 0 ( not sure which one is right).
Calculate probability for each candidate based on 1 to 3.
Add to initial probability value.
the candidate user with the highest probability value is that particular user that can do that certain job.

Can you give me the equation to solve the problem above.
Thank you and help is appreciated.
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Please post in readable fashion...

How d'heck did you end up with that mess? :confused:

The situation is as follows:
We have 3 candidate users, say (A,B and C). One particular user of those 3 candidate users is chosen to do a job (read data).
The choosing of this particular user depends on probabilities (1 to 3 in Q).
The idea is we first give an equal initial probability to each of A, B and C. (some suggestions, Initial_ P=0, others Initial_ P=0.5).
Then we calculate P for A,B and C for points 1 to 3 (in Q).
Then we add these results to the Initial_ P value for each of A,B and C. .
We will get different results of Initial_ P for A,B and C. (The Initial_ P may rise or fall for each candidate user depending on P of ( 1 to 3).
After the addition, the user with the highest Initial_ P value is the particular user which will be chosen to read data.
thank you.
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