Venn Diagrams

How to draw venn diagram for "only cats are dogs" ??

The way I approach these questions is to first draw a circle or one or the other. Since the restriction is on the cats, we draw the circle for cats. Now ask yourself about dogs (the circle for dogs). It can be totally inside the circle for cats (if it is a dog then it is a cat), totally outside the circle for cats (if it is a dog then it is not a cat) or partially inside and outside the circle for cats (if it is a dog then sometimes it is a cat but not always).

"only cats are dogs" can be translated as "if it is a dog then it is a cat" so what is the answer?
so you are saying "all dogs are cats" ??

Right. To restate a different way: It can be totally inside the circle for cats (all dogs are cats), totally outside the circle for cats (no dog is a cat) or partially inside and outside the circle for cats (a dog may or may not be a cat).
Are you from japan ??
Since my travels have taken me to many places and one of them is Japan, I'm sure I can say, "Yes I am from Japan". How so some ever I am also from Singapore, Alaska, Russia, Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) and many other places too.