Fiona gets to work 15 min early and sells three cleats before her shift even begins.


New member
Sep 28, 2015
I need help with this linear-equation problem:

On Saturday, Fiona gets to work 15 minutes early and sells three cleats before her shift even begins. She then sells 4 cleats every hour for the rest of her shift.

The Question is: Find and describe the rate of change for this relationship . Explain how the rate of change is shown on a graph.

Thank You.
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On Saturday, Fiona gets to work 15 minutes early and sells three cleats before her shift even begins. She then sells 4 cleats every hour for the rest of her shift.

Find and describe the rate of change for this relationship.
Assuming that "this relationship" means "the relationship between the time worked and the number of items sold", and assuming the time units to be hours, by what amount does her total change, per hour?

Explain how the rate of change is shown on a graph.
Look in your textbook, and review the examples from this section, where they discuss rates of change and graphs. Which part of "y = mx + b" do they say relates to the rate of change? ;)