Help with Functions/Inverse Function/Domains/Ranges/Expressions


New member
Jan 19, 2016
Everytime i tried to post my text below it kept crashing your webserver interal 500. So i just took a sreenshot and cropped it below.



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Everytime i tried to post my text below it kept crashing your webserver interal 500.
Yeah... We all have problems with that, from time to time. We still can't figure out quite why. Sorry 'bout that. :oops:

Q1: For the function f(x) = 1/(x+1):

a) State the domain of f(x)

My answer: x + 1 != 0, so x != -1

b) Find an expression for the inverse function f-1(x)

My answer:

f(x) = 1/(x + 1)
y = 1/(x + 1) <= rename
x = 1/(y + 1) <= swap variables
x(y + 1) = 1 <= multiply thru by y + 1
y + 1 = 1/x <= divide thru by x
You were good to here. But I don't understand what you did next:

y - 1 = 1/x - 1
How did the "plus one" on the left-hand side become a "minus one"? (If you'd subtracted 1 from each side, then you'd have had just "y=", so something else must be going on here.)

c) Find the range of the original function f(x)
Hint: The range of f(x) will be the domain of f-1(x).

Q2: Functions f and g are defined by the equations:

. . . . .f(t) = t2 + 3. . . . .g(t) = 2t

a) Find an expression for f(g(t)), and simplify the expression as far as possible.

My work:

t(2t)2 + 3
t(4t) + 3
To learn about function composition, try here. Once you have studied the lesson and worked through the examples, return to this exercise. In particular, note that:

. . . . .f(g(t))

...means that you plug the expression for g(t) into the formula for f(t) in the place of the variable, not multiplied against the variable. ;)