Curved Grade Question


New member
Jul 21, 2016
I am taking a summer course that grades on a curve. We were told our raw points and percentile to date. My raw points are 100 and percentile of 94. 100 raw points is the max possible to date. I have a list of the corresponding percentiles and grades associated with them. I listed them below. Is this enough information to create a curve to determine where grades would fall? I really only need a A-. For example I can't tell if this means I would need to have a raw score of 75 or 95 to fall in that percentile range. I am curious were actual grades fall for the percentiles. We were not given a mean or standard deviation.

Percentiles range and letter grade.
83rd percentlile-100th percentile-A
44-63- B+
24-44- B
10-24- B-
7-10 - C+
5-7- C
3-5- C-
2-3- D
I am taking a summer course that grades on a curve. We were told our raw points and percentile to date. My raw points are 100 and percentile of 94. 100 raw points is the max possible to date. I have a list of the corresponding percentiles and grades associated with them. I listed them below. Is this enough information to create a curve to determine where grades would fall? I really only need a A-. For example I can't tell if this means I would need to have a raw score of 75 or 95 to fall in that percentile range. I am curious were actual grades fall for the percentiles. We were not given a mean or standard deviation.

Percentiles range and letter grade.
83rd percentlile-100th percentile-A
44-63- B+
24-44- B
10-24- B-
7-10 - C+
5-7- C
3-5- C-
2-3- D

Percentile score is a relative score. It is not possible to tell percentile score (hence grade) from only raw score.

If the rest of the class earned 100 raw points and Mr. Winter earned 99 raw points - he might get a failing grade.
Thank you for your reply. I wasn't sure if knowing my score and percentile could help determine the others. I assumed since I had all of the possible points and was in the 94th percentile the class average is probably pretty high and just a couple points could be a huge grade swing What information would be needed to determine this? Would just the class mean and standard deviation be enough or would I need a list of everyone's score?
Since the "curve" is based on everybody's points, along with the standard deviations and means of same, there is no way to determine your score without knowing everybody else's.

Some day, when you study statistics, you'll (very early in the course) learn why this is so. ;)