Two-sided error Monte-Carlo: Propose a rule that allows the user to choose...


New member
Oct 3, 2016
Hello everybody, I have a problem concerning the Monte-Carlo Method :

Consider a two-sided error Monte-Carlo algorithm which may return two out-
puts (decisions),
”yes”, P (”yes” is wrong) = ε < 1/2
”no”, P (”no” is wrong) = ε < 1/2

Suppose that this algorithm is running 10 times on the same input and generate
the following sequence of decisions: ”yes”, ”no”, ”no”, ”yes”, ”yes”, ”yes”,
”no”, ”no”, ”yes”, ”yes”.

Question : Propose a rule that allows the user to choose the ”right” decision after N trials on the same input. What gives your rule for this particular case
(N = 10) ?

I think I understand the simple way of Monte-Carlo algorithm but I'm not sur about the "two-sided error" for this reason I don't know where I can start to success this problem. Have you some advices for me ?

Thank you.