Weird probability: if the probability of rain on exactly 5 days in a week...


New member
Oct 5, 2016
if the probability of rain on exactly 5 days in a week isthe same as the probability of rain on exactly 6 days in a week. What is the probability of rain on a day?
Weird probability

Came across this probability problem:

If the probability of rain on exactly 5 days in a week is the same
as the probability of rain on exactly 6 days in a week, what is the
probability of rain on a day?
-The probability of rain on each day is the same,
and it is greater than zero, and smaller than one.

-The days with rain (5 days and 6 days) can be in any order.

Can anyone re-write it in some clear fashion?
I can't really "follow" what's being asked. Thanks.
If the probability of rain on exactly 5 days in a week is the same
as the probability of rain on exactly 6 days in a week, what is the
probability of rain on a day?

Can you solve \(\displaystyle \dbinom{7}{6}p^6(1-p)=\dbinom{7}{5}p^5(1-p)^2~?\)
is this right?
binomial probability formula is P(x) = (n!/x!(n-x)!)(p^x)(q^n-x) and q= 1-p
result is 21/16384