Random sampling question


New member
Feb 25, 2021
okay guys this is the question:

A zoo has 80 cotton-top tamarins. Describe in detail how the random- number table given below could be used to select a sample of 5 of them, for a study of tail lengths.
8330 3992 1840 0330 1290 3237 9165 4815 0766

So im not really sure where to go with this one, i can't see it being any type of systematic so it must be simple random sampling, but the issue is, there are nine groups of four numbers and I can't see a way to get these 36 numbers to relate back to the 80 tamarins.
Any help appreciated.
Do you need to use all the numbers?
You could simply label the tamarins from 01 to 80. Take the first 2 digits of each set of four numbers, ie 83, 39, 18, 03, 12. Throw out any numbers greater than 80 and replace with the next ie throw out 83 and replace with 32.
There are many, many ways this can be done.