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  1. F

    Parabolic Reflector Question

    This is the problem I received: A light source is to be placed on the axis of symmetry of the parabolic reflector shown in the figure attached. How far to the right of the vertex point should the light source be located if the designer wishes the reflected light rays to form a beam of parallel...
  2. F

    Find the 3 cube roots of 8

    Hello, Would you please check my work to verify it is correct. Ive attached a document with the problem. The problem is: Find the 3 cube roots of 8. I used De Moivre's theorem. My instructor marked me down and only commented that the K's are OK but the square root of 8 is 2. I know that the...
  3. F

    find the length of side b

    My instructor said I needed to relook at how I calculated side b. I dont understand because i did the exact same thing for side c and it was graded as correct. Am I missing something?Thank you for your time.
  4. F

    2 trig questions-I dont see how my answers are wrong?!?

    My instructor said that my answer for cosx=1 is not completly correct. I cannot figure out why. Any help with this would be much appreciated. Thank you.