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  1. Q

    Confused on this particular problem

    Expand (x+3y)^7 x7+21x6y+189x5y2+945x4y3+2835x3y4+5103x2y5+5103xy6+2187y7 Am well aware this is the final answer. What exactly are the steps to getting it?
  2. Q

    Confused on this particular problem

    Beyond confused for this particular problem. Did not learn the full lesson. Please need serious help.
  3. Q

    Confused on this particular problem

    A surveyfinds that 110 people ate breakfast and 30 people skipped breakfast. Of thosewho ate breakfast, 10 people felt tired. Of those who skipped breakfast, 10people felt tired. Make a two way table that shows theconditional frequencies based on breakfast total. (Make sure you have the“joint”...