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  1. N

    Bayes' Theorem? 'Let S be a region divided into 4 pairs...'

    Let S be a region divided into four pairs - 50, 30, 12 and 8 %. A spot falls on the region S, one of the four parts, and an event A occurs with probability 0.01, 0.05, 0.2 and 0.5. If the event A becomes which pair has the biggest probability of having the spot.
  2. N

    complex analysis: Find real m so z^3+(3+i)z^2-3z-(m+i) has

    Can any one help me with this: Find all the REAL numbers m so that the equation z^3 + (3+i)z^2 -3z - (m+i) = 0 has at least one REAL root. NOTE: i = (-1)^1/2
  3. N

    exponential distribution: prob. that eqn x^2-bx+c = 0 has...

    What is the probability the equation x^2 - bx + c = 0 having two different and real roots if b and c are both independent quantity with exponential distribution with parameter m: f(x) = m*e^-mx Note "e" is the Neper number 2.78.... and e^-mx = 1/e^mx