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  1. lev888


    It's good that you are checking whether the answer is reasonable. But in this case it's the diagram that's misleading you. The angle PQR is 150, but looks like it's 90. A better diagram would show the triangle PQR as one with a long base (PR) and a very short height, which, as you know, affects...
  2. lev888


    The solution looks good (didn't check the calculations). Why does the area seem too small?
  3. lev888


    Where is the question?
  4. lev888

    Calculating the area of overlap between 2 circle sectors

    Ok. Please post a diagram with vertices marked so we can reference them.
  5. lev888

    Calculating the area of overlap between 2 circle sectors

    I think it's possible. Is this a school assignment?
  6. lev888

    Straight line problem: line through (-5,-4) meets x+3y+2=0, 2x+y+4=0, x-y-5=0 at B,C,D respectively. If (15/AB)^2+(10/AC)^2=(6/AD)^2, find line's eqn.

    Sure, you can make whatever additional constructions you want and you can introduce whatever variables you want. But then you should post the diagram showing the constructions and your solution must include steps where all of your variables are expressed through values actually given in the problem.
  7. lev888

    Straight line problem: line through (-5,-4) meets x+3y+2=0, 2x+y+4=0, x-y-5=0 at B,C,D respectively. If (15/AB)^2+(10/AC)^2=(6/AD)^2, find line's eqn.

    What theta? Don't see any angles in the question. The distance is from point A to point P.
  8. lev888

    Please solve 😩 9 ÷ 3(1 + 2)

    Math is very much black and white. But a problem needs to satisfy certain requirements to be considered a _math_ problem. If I write a math problem on a piece of paper and then erase 30% of it, is it still a math problem? How about a problem written in a language you don't know well?
  9. lev888

    Straight line problem: line through (-5,-4) meets x+3y+2=0, 2x+y+4=0, x-y-5=0 at B,C,D respectively. If (15/AB)^2+(10/AC)^2=(6/AD)^2, find line's eqn.

    Let's consider an easier problem. A line through point A(1, 2) intersects the line y=2x+3 at point P. Distance AP is given. Find the equation of the first line. How would you approach this problem?
  10. lev888

    Prove by induction: "Every natural number n can be represented as a sum of powers of 2."

    If this is the exact problem statement then there is nothing to prove. 1 is a power of 2 and any number n is a sum of n 1s. I'm guessing they want distinct powers of 2.
  11. lev888

    Cuboid volume: Cuboid 8x9x9 has cuboid 3x6x6 cut out of it.

    Please do the following: Copy the diagram Draw additional segments so that all surfaces are divided into rectangles. For each rectangle write the expression for the area and draw an arrow from the expression to the rectangle Don't forget the surfaces not visible in the diagram (but they still...
  12. lev888

    I can't understand how to do this ratio problem: 9a:7c = 4:7, 3b:5c = 5:3; show that a+b:b+c = 29:34

    Express a through c and b through c. Plug in the resulting expressions into the left side of the 3rd equality, simplify. Do you get 29/34? P.S. Is this standard notation not to use parentheses in a + b : b + c????
  13. lev888

    little circle at top right corner of a square

    Using the diagram in post 20: tan\text{ θ} = \frac{4}{12} From the tangent of double angle identity: tan\text{ 2θ} = \frac{3}{4} Therefore ED = 12, area = 160.
  14. lev888

    video game math, need help writing iterative function (I think)

    Level 6: lost 2 points Level 7: lost 4 points Level 8: lost 6 points ... This is an arithmetic sequence (the difference between consecutive terms is constant). Look up the formula for the sum of such a sequence.
  15. lev888

    Can someone please explain the solution to this functions question?

    f(y)=(y-3)(y+1) means that for any valid input y the result of the function is (y-3)(y+1). We can name that input y, x, ABC, cow, etc.
  16. lev888

    Can someone please explain the solution to this functions question?

    There is only one machine - the function f. We are not "putting one machine into the other". We are putting different inputs into the same machine.
  17. lev888

    Circle over a rectangle - radius needed (opening is 60" vertical x 25" horizontal; strut is 2.5" wide)

    Not sure why the circle is necessary. Here's my diagram (hope I understand the problem correctly). You can set up a system of 3 equations with 3 variables (a, b, x) and solve it in I'm getting x=63.3018. I used triangle similarity and the Pythagorean theorem. You can test the...
  18. lev888

    Partnership Percentage Help: 50% to myself and 30% to my partner. 20% of the remaining profits are left in the company account.

    You need to split the remaining funds according to the 5 : 3 ratio. Divide the amount by 8 (5+3), take 5 "parts" and give the remaining 3 to the partner.