Search results

  1. lev888

    Interesting geometry problem

    From my son's Russian School of Mathematics homework. The diagram contains an "extra" segment, which is a hint:
  2. lev888

    Bisector in a trapezoid

    I am looking at an 8th grade Russian School of Math geometry problem that mentions "an angle bisector AC" in a trapezoid ABCD. My question: since AC divides 2 angles, is it correct to assume that AC bisects both of them?
  3. lev888

    Calculus Students Announce

    These steps are basic equation manipulation, why would you want "them" to waste time and space on something the students should've learned already? The first time you say "derivative" you announce to the world that you know algebra.
  4. lev888

    Geometry problem from twitter

    Note from the twitter poster: "The black line segment is vertical and goes through the point where the two circles touch" Solutions are posted below the linked tweet, so be careful if you don't want to see them. Source:
  5. lev888

    Trial & Error - Is there a mathematical solution to these problems?

    Are you familiar with sudoku or kenken puzzles? The number of combinations there is much higher. And yet grandmas on the bus are doing sudokus just fine. All that's needed for your problems is logic and a bit of arithmetic.
  6. lev888

    Can we make it easier for posters to follow the guidelines?

    Let's say you ordered something at and never got a confirmation email. After an hour on the phone a representative tells you: "Ah, Mr. Smith, you forgot to enter your zip code!" If this could happen amazon would have to triple its customer support staff. Why doesn't it happen? Easy -...