stationary solution for u(x,t)=v(x,t)+h(x) for heat PDE with BC of U1


New member
Jul 22, 2017
what is the meaning of stationary solution \(\displaystyle h(x) \) and how can I find it for this equation \(\displaystyle u(x,t) =v(x,t) +h(x) \) for heat PDE with BC of \(\displaystyle U1\), can you explain in details?
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That appears to be an entire chapter of a textbook. You'll have to narrow the question a bit. Provide examples and show your work.
what is the meaning of stationary solution \(\displaystyle h(x) \) and how can I find it for this equation \(\displaystyle u(x,t) =v(x,t) +h(x) \) for heat PDE with BC of \(\displaystyle U1\), can you explain in details?

at t = ∞ → u = h and v = 0
Well, OK. Some chapters are shorter than others.

i have 1-D heat PDE, and am required to solve it using Finite fourier cosine transform (FFCT), and one of the B.C equals \(\displaystyle U_1\) , and someone said that you need to use stationary solution..
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