help needed with averaging equation


New member
Mar 13, 2017
I have a large table of data of over/under weights that I need to sort through. The issue is that it is all averaged together even though they need to be weighted differently and I'm not 100% sure how to do this anymore. I have done it in the past, but I don't recall how to do it now. I don't need help with the whole table, I just need help getting started and I think I can figure it out.

Here is a little sample of what I'm dealing with, I'm going to change the name of the variables I deal with to make it a little simpler.
I have 3 types of fish that I caught, catfish, red fish, and bass. I have 233 catfish, 189 red fish, and 171 bass. The weight of the fish that I caught were under the standard of what I was expecting. They averaged out to be -0.12, -0.20, and -0.42 respectively under weight. My table currently averages all of those weights together instead of accounting for how many of each fish there are to affect the weights accordingly. I hope this makes sense... I'm not the best at word problems. Essentially what I need is a formula or for someone to explain what I need to do to get an average of the weights, but I need them to be weighted depending on how many fish there are for each weight.
So if somebody could help me out with this, I would very much appreciate it. Let me know if you need some sort of clarification.
I have 5 catfish, 4 red fish, and 3 bass. The standard weight for these fish are 4 pounds each. 5 catfish averaged to be 0.5 underweight. 4 red fish averaged to be 0.75 underweight. 3 bass averaged to be 0.25 underweight. The average of all the fish is -0.5. Correct? (-0.5+-0.75+-.25) /3=-0.5
However, this is not the true average of the fish combined. You have -(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25). Since there are fewer bass then catfish, this should hurt my overall average, right? I just can't really think of how to ---
I figured it out while explaining it. Thanks Denis!! you're the man!
So you would do 5(-0.5)+4(-0.75)+3(-0.25)/12 fish=-0.52
Sir Jones, thou art smarter than thou thinketh :rolleyes:
Really, mon cher denis, if you must tutoyer in early modern English, use the proper "thinkest" rather than the third person form. We are an educational site. I think you have to go stand in the corner of the English teacher.