How I find the second denominator in a fraction like this = 9/4 - 8 ?


New member
Apr 11, 2017
Hey guys,

The title says everything, how I find the second denominator in this fraction 9/4 - 8? I'm little bit confused.

Thanks in advance for any help.
The title says everything, how I find the second denominator in this fraction 9/4 - 8? I'm little bit confused.
8 is a Whole number.

All Whole numbers have a denominator of 1, when written in rational form.

9/4 - 8/1

The denominators need to be the same, before you subtract the second numerator from the first.

Do you know how to change 8/1 into fourths? In other words, how many fourths equals 8?

8/1 = ?/4
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