Anova question: fill out the anova table from the raw data at the top.


New member
Apr 27, 2017
Hi so I am struggling with anovas. The method taught in my class didn't make much sense (using variances to get the mean squares then working backwards), so I looked up khan academy and learned the method used there (finding the SST, SSW then working from there), which makes total sense. The issue is that I'm getting different answers to the answer sheet when the other method is used, even though my lecturer said the answers should be the same. She advised I should just use the method learned in class, but it really makes no sense to me.
The question is essentially fill out the anova table from the raw data at the top.
So here's my version of it:
However she has done:
And I can't work out why my answers are different. I know she rounded in some areas but I've tried accounting for that and I still can't make up the fact that my SST in particular is so far off of hers.
Have I done something wrong or misunderstood any of the formulas or anything that anyone can see? I'm really stuck here and would prefer to just stick with my method if at all possible, but I guess I'll learn hers if I have to, although I find it much much harder.